Sunday, April 3, 2011

What is This?

This is my life.  Off and on, now and again I need a place to cry, whine, rant, wax poetic, talk about the weather, in other words, Crazy Trains of Thought.

This blog will be topical, personally historic and probably of no interest to anyone.  So
I may talk about the headache I have today.  It is rather severe and I do not know why. 

Then there is work tomorrow.  Boring but essentially satisfying as I get paid alot for doing boring repetative work but I no longer have to make the hard discisions. 

I am depressed and see that as a normal state for a person my age.  I am an atheist but at the same time I think there is some connection on a molecular level for everything that we have not science for yet.  I don't know what it is and I am not sure I care. 

Reading this is Riding on the Crazy Train and others may ride along if they wish to.