Monday, January 2, 2012

Musings on the Day and Stephen King

I wanted to say I was lazy and lethargic today.  I do go back to work tomorrow and I have an evening meeting after work (social).

I fixed a nice dinner and even got creative with the mushrooms. I did do some shopping and did a couple of chores around the house. So not really lazy and lethargic.

It was cold today.  It was 25 degrees when I got up at 930 this morning and warmed up to nearly 30 and at one point at about 330 the sun came out a bit. And now it has started snowing a bit.  Might make for a fun commute tomorrow.

I have been reading a lot lately. Just recently I have read Stephen King's 11/22/63 and am now reading It again.  They don't tie together really but reading the first made me want to go to the next one.  I do like Stephen King's writing.  I cannot say I always enjoy it but it is thought provoking.  I think the older I get the more I like what he writes.  We are close to the same age and I really understand what he is saying about the era that shaped our growing up, the society that got us from there to here and the nostalgia that hides the realities of our past.

We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.
Stephen King

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ah 2012.  And this is just me riding on the Crazy Train that is my life.  I am going to try this year to post regularly.  I don't know what that will look like yet.  It is not a resolution, more like a guideline and if anyone is interested they are welcome to come on board.

I have decided to avoid being too topical or ranty or preachy, although that may happen sometimes when I just cannot help myself.

So I find myself the first day of 2012 recovering from the last of 2011.  Not due to having a wild night.  I had a migraine yesterday.  For those of you who have never experienced a migraine,  thank whatever deity you believe in and be grateful for never having the experience if you do not have a deity.

Red hot poker in the left temple with pain radiating into my left arm and shoulder from extremely tense muscles.  Lightening flashes in the left eye that cause even more pain.  Add to this a tummy that will not keep anything down due to this pain and you have a truly BAD DAY. This description does not due it justice.  Those who have experienced this fine form of torture know exactly what I am saying.  Those who have not are probably dismissing me as a wuss.

4 hours at the emergency room with an I.V of various things and I could cope with going home: where I passed out and woke about 9 PM. The rest of New Year's Eve was spent sipping tea and reading quietly and being grateful to being able to do that. Woot! for the New Year as I felt better today.  No pain at least.

I was able to go shopping and get the ingredients for my Vegetarian Bean Soup which is a great start for the New Year.  I was going to make Corn Muffins to go with it but apparently in a fit of cleaning, I threw my old rusty muffin pans away so we had whole grain toast.

It started snowing at just after midnight and we had about an inch on the ground this morning.  It warmed up to about 37 degrees by 2 PM but now the temp has plunged to 28.  And the wind is suppose to come up.  I think it will be a very cold night.

Tomorrow is another day off before the work of 2012 actually begins.  I want to exercise more this year, sleep a bit more this year and writing a bit more this year if anyone actually reads it or not.

Happy 2012.  I hope it was good for you.

New Year's Day:  Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions.  Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.  ~Mark Twain